With HousingAccounts, you can now more easily keep track of the accounts in the housing association’s many estates. You avoid using time unnecessarily on manual handling of accounts – with the risk of wrong entry – as data extraction takes place automatically via EG Bolig.
If you make post entries, the accounting figures can be updated easily and quickly with just a single click. Comments on the accounts are saved automatically, so they can be found easily – without having to search old Excel files.
- Overview: On the main page of the model, you are shown whether the profit and loss accounts and balance balance, and whether the notes match with lines of the accounts – so you know where you have to search.
- Reports: Here, you find all available reports gathered in one easy-to-grasp overview. As a starting point, all standard accounting reports are made available.
- Estates / associations: Here, the accounts for all estates and associations are gathered in one place.
- Multiple users: Accounts are prepared in one overall Excel model across the organisation. This means that all work in the latest version, while the database keeps track of the numbers, the security and the accesses.
- Comments: Comments about the accounts are saved directly in the database and are thus linked to the individual accounts and lines.
- Print / PDF: You choose which reports will be in the final printed copy or PDF.